Hi Guys & Gals,
For all of you who are reading this forum hoping to build a Europa someday
(or if your just sanding some more!!) I just want to say there is more than
building, sanding and testing - we actually get to go flying!!!
Sunday up here in Seattle we had a nice clear day - the winds were brisk but
thats fun too. My plane is based at Arlington Washington a very busy (very
busy) non-tower airport. I arrived and grabbed my 5gal can and went across
the street and bought gas for exactly HALF the price of the airport fuel. I
pulled my plane out of the hanger and hopped in. I turned the key and even
though it was about 30 degrees (f) the engine cranked right up. (I remember
trying for an hour to start a Lycoming in the same temperature.) I taxied
out (past a few RV's buying gas for twice what I paid).
The airport was busy, first nice day in a long time. I was about number 5
to take off on the main runway, while there were several planes in the
pattern and lots of glider activity on the grass (I saw 4 sailplanes in the
glider pattern at one time!).
I pulled in behind a Skyhawk that just took off and followed him. Funny how
all the sailplane types stop to watch my Europa take off and ignore even the
Learjets. In any case with just me in the plane I was off in a few hundred
feet, pulled up the gear and then throttled back to about 1/2 throttle to
stay behind the 172. I climbed up to about 2,500' and just enjoyed the day.
Its really amazing with me and that plane now - I just sort-of think about
what I want to do and the plane does it. When I first flew my Europa I had
never flown a stick and wondered if it would be hard!! Ha!
Since it was breezy and bumpy I kept the power down and the fuel flow meter
showed 3.2gph and I was cruising between 130-140mph. After tearing up the
sky for a bit I reentered the pattern. This is my favorite part because no
matter what I can fit myself in the mix. I have followed fly-baby's or
Queen Air's and It dosen't make a lot of difference, my Europa is just as
happy at 70mph as it is at 120. I mixed in with the traffic and noticed the
wind sock standing at attention 90 degrees to the runway. People always ask
me about crosswind landings - thinking it might be hard to land a mono-wheel
in a crosswind. Do I keep a wing low or do I kick it out on flare? I guess
I don't really know - maybe I kick it out but it's just like I said about
flying. The plane does what I think and thats about it. In any case I
plopped on the ground, did a little rudder pedal thing (it was really
windy!) and then taxied in past the glider guys who were all watching again.
After pulling up to my hanger and getting out I realized I had that stupid
grin on my face again. I get it every time I go flying in my Europa. I
could have bought another Swift for less, or built an RV like everyone else
but I am sure glad I didn't. I have flown lots of planes and none of them
have given me the stupid grins that the Europa has.
I love my plane!!
Just another day at the airport - keep building guys it's TOTALLY worth it.
Bob Jacobsen
A131 N165BB (Beep Beep)
ps. Will the Wily Coyote plane ever catch me? Will someone be brave enough
to put the Tazmanian Devil on thier mono-wheel? Just more questions on the
meaning of life!
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