On 3/19/02 11:41 PM, "Bob Jacobsen" <jacobsenra@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Just another day at the airport - keep building guys it's TOTALLY worth it.
Thanks Bob,
I needed that! I am just back from another build session at FlightCrafters
in Tampa. I am at that wonderful stage of a million little jobs to be done
before bonding on the top.
>For motivational purposes I hopped a ride with John H. at Europa in N914EA.
He wanted to check out the newly re-installed WarpDrive prop / Airmaster
controller combo. It was a warm (90F) but beautiful day at Lakeland as we
climbed at about 1300fpm to 5000. The new prop was working just fine, so we
just knocked around for a few minutes. I quick speed run showed about
164mph at max cruise at this altitude. Then John told me that several
people had hypothesized that the Rotax would be difficult to air start, so
of course we just had to try it! After feathering and stopping the prop at
about 75 mph, we glided for a short while, with a ratio of about 15:1
(short wings this trip), then took the prop out of feather and nosed over a
bit. At 110 mph the prop took a few quarter turn jumps. At 120 mph, with a
single half rotation, the engine caught immediately.
Back on the ground, reinvigorated, I went back to mounting my gascolator.
Pix of the short flight with a stopped prop and my building progress will be
on my web site in a few days.