Dear all,
The questions are:
>1/ Does *anyone* out there own a Terra 760D transceiver which transmits
>ok 100% of the time ?
>2/ If so did it formerly not work, and what solution was found ?
My terra TX760D has great reception and transmission range 99% of the time.
It has had a couple of problems - one of which turned out to be the external
wiring rather than the radio. I have a standard aerial in the tail and can
get Jersey zone from over start point in Devon and Plymouth approach from
about 40 miles out at 3000-5000ft.
My own experience has been that the wiring has been at fault (in my case
an intermitent connection in the passenger PTT switch).
I would check your wiring.
BTW another future europa pilot was born 4 weeks ago (despite the ravages
of testicular cancer), Ava, 6lb 10oz and with a cry loud enough to be heard
over the roar of a rotax 912!
Finally, I have bought a new Robinson R22 and will be doing my PPL(H) in
April in the rather optimistic hope of being able to commute to work in
it. I will keep my europa G-BWRO for longer trips - it is just too good
a little aircraft to get rid of.
Best wishes and happy flying,
James McDiarmid G-BWRO and G-OAVA(R22)
-- Original Message --
>Oh dear,
>Hi Frank. Sorry to tell you that your 'tale of woe' is not unique. This
>has been discussed on this forum before.
>With regard to transmission being 'too loud', I can't comment.
>'Transmission unreadable' I'm surprised if it's always unreadable.
>Others have found that transmission is unreadable a % of times. (in my
>case, luckily, about 10%) and only with certain ground stations
>(Tatenhill, Le Touquet !! etc etc)
>The questions are:
>1/ Does *anyone* out there own a Terra 760D transceiver which transmits
>ok 100% of the time ?
>2/ If so did it formerly not work, and what solution was found ?
>I presume you have fitted the standard Europa antenna in the tail.
>However the installation manual supplied with the kit is quite specific
>about the antenna required, citing the consequences you have described
>if this procedure is not followed.
>Therefore, I had always thought that creating a flattish 42 inch
>diameter ground plane somewhere on the aircraft (under wing?, back of
>fuselage?), coupled with a perpendicular 1/4 wave antenna in the middle
>would help alleviate the problem, but those who have tried have told me
>this does not help. Farmer George Holt has tried this, I believe. Others
>have spent money and sent the kit back to Trimble in the States, to no
>avail, I'm afraid.
>Best of luck. If you find a solution.... if *anyone* finds a solution,
>please tell *all* of us.
>-----Original Message-----
>Subject: Terra Radio
>Does anyone have the anser to my problem with my Terra Radio. The local
>radio shop have tested the radio and found no fault, but in the aircraft
>the symptoms are:-
>Reception loud and clear
>Transmission unreadable with or without engine running, and with or
>without intercom switched on, and whether in the air or on the ground
>Intercom is normal and clear
>When PTT is pressed pilot hears his own transmission clear but far too
>(Headphones and normally when plugged into ICOM handheld)
>Frank Mycroft (G-BWYD)