I am almost there; going to sun 'n' fun but hopefully I will have an
approved panel in place then.
Richard F.W. Holder 01279 842804 (POTS)
Bell House, Bell Lane, 01279 842942 (fax)
Widford, Ware, Herts, 07860 367423 (mobile)
SG12 8SH email : rholder@avnet.co.uk
PA-28-181 : Piper Archer : G-JANA, EGSG (Stapleford)
Europa Classic Tri-gear : G-OWWW, being built.
> From: "Michael Parkin" <Mikenjulie.Parkin@btopenworld.com>
> Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 20:55:53 -0000
> Subject: Firewall Access Panels.
> Does anyone have a PFA approved mod for a Firewall Access Panel, I'm sure I
> have seen some panels around in different photographs. What I need is a
> top-hat access panel to give my HSI a little more room. The PFA are asking
> for stress analysis etc. Has anyone already gone to this expense, I would
> gladly contribute.
> If not, could someone recommend an engineer able to do the stress analysis -
> preferably for a fee that I might be able to afford.
> regards,
> Mike Parkin No 312 (G-JULZ)
> mikenjulie.parkin@btopenworld.com