Hi All,
Seems the forum is coming back to life maybe. I just receive 3 messages.
I have a question for those of you that:
1. have the classic engine installation and
2. have the cold air box mod installed.
If any has their cowling off could someone measure and tell me the distance
1. the bottom of the airbox to the top of the footwell and
2. the rear of the airbox to the firewall.
Let me know too if you have Skydrives carb heat system installed.
I think that moves the carbs back about 1 1/2" or so. Am I right?
I am doing the trial engine fit for accessories, cowling, spinner, and other
accessories and don't yet have the airbox. (Man, getting that exhaust on was
a pill).
Thanks to all. Makes you appreciate this forum even more than I did when it
disappears for a few days.
Troy Maynor
N120EU Monowheel Classic