Hi Erich,
I suggest you contact Kelly Manufacturing who make the RC Allen product line.
Their website at <<< http://www.kellymfg.com/index3.html >>> has all the
details. I am not sure why but they do seem to be a bit casual about
paperwork for their equipment. I tried to get installation and operating
instructions for my electric gyro horizon and only succeeded in getting a not
very satisfactory info sheet. Lots of luck on the pins.
I do recommend that you power up electric gyro instruments on a regular basis
(every month perhaps ?) and move through pitch, bank and yaw to keep the
bearings properly lubricated before you get your bird in the air. In my early
flying I found that my electric gyro horizon was defective and I had to send
it back for a bearing overhaul - the problem appeared to be due to lack of
"exercise" after receipt of my instrument.
Cheers, John
Erich D Trombley wrote:
> Hello all. I am in the process of wiring my Europa panel and wasn't sure
> how to proceed with the RC Allen connector for the lighted artificial
> horizon. The connector, MS3116E8-4S, is a four pin unit with terminals
> A,B,C, & D. The AI came with no paper work on wiring the darn thing.
> Does anyone know the pin out for this unit? Many thanks.
> Regards,
> Erich Trombley
> A028