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Flying: Ireland & the continent

Subject: Flying: Ireland & the continent
From: Alan D Stewart <>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 09:27:31

Thanks Alan (& Kevin),

This is very useful information.

Anyone who wishes to go abroad needs to know who to contact, and what
the pre-requisite documentation
requirements are. (particularly in France!!!).

I especially like the on-line flight plan which I will copy for future
use. It's such a counter-intuitive
form, anyway. With pull down options, the on-line version reduces the
likelihood of embarassment and of 
having to admit that you don't have the vaguest idea of what numbers and
abreviations belong in which columns !

On the more general issue of flying to the continent, I believe the PFA
still supply some general information 
covering such flights:

flight plans, ATSU tel. nos. etc.
of French ATC.

All worth knowing.

Documentation filing requirements for flights to France

When I fly to France, I despatch two specific documents:

        1/ 'SuperFax' an outbound and return (if known) flight plan to
Heathrow ATSU.
        2/ 'SuperFax' a General Aviation report to Ipswich, Customs and
Excise, stating departure AND return info.

* Superfax is Windows/Word compatible faxing software which avoids the
necessity of paper copies.  

After take-off, I activate the outbound flight plan on the R/T via
London Information (124.6).

General customs' rules regarding flights to France

My understanding of current customs regulations is that:

Since the UK (perhaps justifiably) didn't sign some recent pan-European
agreement regarding free passage between EC
member states:

All flights to France(/Europe) must land firstly at a recognised customs
All flights from France(/Europe) must depart lastly from a recognised
customs airfield.

The first/last UK destination/departure point must either be a
recognised customs airfield, 
or an airfield/airstrip designated as satisfactory from the point of
view of Customs & Excise.

.... I'm a little vague on these rules, particularly the last one.

Perhaps someone could correct me, if I'm in error ?


-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re:  Ireland


If you are going to Southen Ireland do'nt forget to give Special Branch
least 24hours notice of the trip. Telephone Numbers are in Pooleys or
contact your local office. Please read the AIC on this link:

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