----- Original Message -----
From: david joyce
Subject: Fw: First flight G-XSDJ, kit 402
----- Original Message -----
From: david joyce
Subject: First flight G-XSDJ, kit 402
Delta Juliet took to the skies yesterday between storms at Kemble in the
hands of Peter Jeffers, with all systems go and an enormous grin on the
face of the observer in the second flight.It really does make all the hard work
with the sanding seem a trivial matter! APS weight 839 lbs ( which included
3lbs lead in tail to give desired C of G posn of 59"), 914 engine, battery in
engine compartment and Woodcomp/Kremen Constant speed prop.
My thanks to Peter, to the Europa team, to Roger Targett for
inspecting and expert gel coating, and to the support team of my wife Su and
Paddy Clarke. David Joyce