John & Paddy Wigney wrote:
> Hi Fred,
> Thanks for input. Am not sure if you have read Jim Weir's article, but he
> addressed
> concerns on losses on "that flimsy little offshore comnnector". Quote "With as
> sophisticated a piece of equipment as I have on my bench (a $25,000 spectrum
> analyser), the loss was down in the noise of the instrument. That is I can't
> detectable loss." I am not sure how this compares to your .5 db loss for an
> connector. Since I am not an electrical engineer and I am well out of my
> depth,
I will
> have to back out of this thread now.
> Cheers, John
Mr. Weir is at times given to hyperbole, but I love his articles. I
just rigged up one of these puppies, and VSWR takes at 5% hit.
There's easily detectable RF leakage near the contraption also. I
don't have no $25,000 in the bench, but ironically the VHF Comm test
rig is one of Jim's old kits. Anyway, a few % is tolerable if one so
insists, but there should be a bit more loss in feeding the handheld
with an audio connector. Still should improve on the ducky.
Fred F.