I had the same problem. It wasn't touching but very close. I got hold of some
walled fuel pipe hosing and that increased the distance. Also, when you
load the tank up with fuel, I would think the weight of the fuel will lower
the tank a little to your advantage. No problem with the spar clearance.
Mike Gamble wrote:
> There have been several messages regarding tank positioning - mainly to ensure
that adequate clearance is maintained between tank and spar guides.
> I obtained this clearance with the tank top almost touching the underneath of
the headrest locker and the tank bottom about 2cm from the fuselage floor.
> I carried out the sticky bit with the torque tube removed and there's the rub.
When refitted I found I had only about 1mm clearance between the torque tube
and the clamp holding the hose to the tank outlet - hardly enough I think!
> Anyone else had this problem and found a suitable fix whilst maintaining
> enough
movement of the pitch control? I would appreciate some feedback.
Timothy P Ward
12 Waiwetu Street,
Ph. 0064 03 3515166
email ward.t@xtra.co.nz
Mobile 025 2649325