Hi! Simon.
Not sure about your set up but think about it..... Washout is to make the
inboard end of the wing stall prior to the tip. Thereby enabling the control
surface of the aerleron to be the last to stall. This means that the angle
of attack is greater inboard so that the stall starts there getting less as
you extend to the tip of the wing.
I think you are correct since when you turn it over the outboard end will be
less than the inboard end.
(IMHO of course!)
Bob Harrison G-PTAG
-----Original Message-----
From: forum-owner@europaclub.org.uk
Subject: Measuring washout on flaps
I am just in the process of starting the first layup of the flaps of my
Europa. I've have achieved the required 1.4 degrees washout but I'm not sure
if I've acheived a positive or negative washout!
When I measure the angle of the flap at the root end with my digital level
it measures 6.5 degrees and the tip end measures 7.9 degrees. These
measurements are taken with the flap'upside down' that is, the flat side of
the flap is facing upwards and resting in the upper jig.
Before I start the layup could someone confirm I have 'washed out'
Simon Miles.