>I would surmise that the problem would occur if attempting to take the
>twist out
>of the fuselage when bonding on the top. My canoe was straight as measured
>across the stab area, however the verticle fin on the top half was off about 2
>degrees. I have corrected this by correct placement of the rear bulkhead
>of Graham's mod, and allowing a less than perfect overlap of the joggles
>on the
>fuselage halves (trimming one side slightly, 1/8" of joggle exposed on other
>side. The objective being to not transfer any twisting loads to the canoe.
There is very little rigidity the rear fuselage and the cockpit module
section until the top is bonded, (or clecoed) on. The rear fuselage is very
flexible until the top is bonded on. Conversely when the cockpit module is
bonded into the fuselage bottom the front section, which eventually
determines wing incidences becomes very rigid.
There is some rigidity between rear bulkhead and fin spar but its still
possible to correct slight misalignment of the fin/tailplane before bonding
in the fin spar. In any case IMHO I don't think a slight tilt of the fin
will make any difference to the handling.
I would approach it this way, (with the benefit of hindsight), cleco the
fin spar in, set it vertical with respect to the main spar alignment, then
set the tailplane torque tube level and fix that. If that opportunity is no
longer there, just stop worrying.