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CS21, & all that entails

Subject: CS21, & all that entails
From: Fergus Kyle <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 15:13:59
            In the headlong rush to safely powdercoat everything save the
cat, two items have disapppeared in the intervening years. I need them soon.
            They are CS21s (port and starboard), the rudder eccentrics which
separate both sides of the rudderbar halves and which drive the rudder
cables back and forth so diligently during roundout. I am hoping they will
appear at Oshkosh, but in the meantime would like to position the rudderbars
for floor siting - and would appreciate knowing the thickness of the CS21s
so to temp-replace them in the structure.
Could someone kindly put their heads in the footwell - and (coming out
again) - avail me of the measured thickness of same?
            Much obliged in expectation,

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