I can not remember if the inventory listed these pins under another name
(perhaps something like spiroll) but I can describe the pin. It is made
---From thin (probably) stainless steel sheet wrapped into a very tight spiral
to form a pin. They are devilishly difficult to insert because, by design,
the hole is smaller than the pin - wear your safety glasses when you tap
(pound) on the @#$%
&* pin with a hammer because the thing will fly away to
points unknown if you are not careful. You needn't ask how I know.
Also, you get to use roll pins later when installing the shoot bolt
mechanism in the doors. Here the roll pin fits snugly into a fork (really a
clevis) and I can assure you that if you follow the procedure in the manual
you will bend the "tine" on the back side of the shoot bolt actuating rods
(DL08F and DL08R), which then jams the mechanism. The damage being on the
(invisible) back side of the DL03 handle makes you wonder where the problem
is because everything (that you can see) looks fine. The fix is simple, if
done first, otherwise the fix is to fabricate replacement actuating rods.
(Again, please don't ask how I know.) Drill out the hole on the back side
slightly over size compared to the front side so that it is NOT an
interference fit.
Best regards,
Rob Housman
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Brian Rauchfuss - PCD
Subject: 6mm Roll Pins
I am working on the tailplane counterbalance weights, and it says to
secure them to the rod with 6mm roll pins. I cannot find these pins
anywhere in the manifest. What are they called in the manifest so I
can figure out where they are?
Someone mentioned using a bolt instead, but it seems that the bolt
head sticks out too much to get the weights on.
Making progress!