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New USA Europa Web Site

Subject: New USA Europa Web Site
From: Fergus Kyle <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002 09:11:41

"> Ferg,
>   As you well know, we have an excellent club magazine that the Brits
would just love to use to publish the local news from Canada, USA,
Australia, New Zealand, Norway, wherever. Theres only one flaw to this plan
though: >
            Thank you for replying to my plea. Perhaps I was a bit noisy,
but it's not the local news, nor the Club magazine I'm referring to. I am
addressing the new need to consult TWO websites where but one sufficed
            I agree that news from "away" doesn't reach the Brit paper, but
is that applicable to doubling the websites? How would another website
improve the magazine?

">  Not shouting at you Ferg, or Martin, or anyone in particular, but I'm
sure you all get the gist of my sentiment."
            Nor I, Dave, and I appreciate your attitude but honestly don't
see your point about the magazine's appropriateness to the websites
increasing. There are a number of potential builders lurking who have a
central site to peruse. We should not discourage US or other souls by
doubling the source of their interest.

">   As for a Europa-USA web site, why not?"
            ...because I would now have to address double the sources to get
my news? Surely, if www did not exist, then paper would be a problem, but
with the Earth connected at the speed of light, why would a competitive site
be needed? What is its role?

",> there are plenty of Europa web sites around the world, we should use
every resource we have - as long as they all have up to date links there's
no problem."
            True. However they are private sites and should not replace a
central source in this medium, I believe.

">  Took me 5 1/2 years to build my Europa - its been flying for just over 3
years now and I'm having FUN!, those of you who are still building, it will
be worth it when you finish. All you builders and fliers out there must have
some experiences that others would enjoy, why not put them in the club
magazine. "
            I envy you. I seem to be slower than molasses...... but your
success is a spur to my build, so please keep us aware of the delights of
your efforts. If they are on a separate site from the central one, many will
miss them.

"   Finally, dont forget, for each of you reading this, there are at least
two other Europans who are not 'internet enabled', and for them they dont
get a choice between words printed and words emailed...."
            Agreed, but I fail to see how doubling the sites will produce
any advantage for those who are not connected.
Kindest regards,
Ferg  A064
PS:             I note that someone has added a Europa list to Matt Dralle's
excellent list series. Must I now consult TWO lists, one worldwide, one USA,
to keep in touch with events?

> > Martin, old sock,
> >             Why is there suddenly a competitive Europa -USA list, and
website? Surely there should be Australian, New Zealand, Canadian, Norwegian
and whatever-else  website if the country means so much to an aircraft. If
the Brits don't want to publish your local news, then I'll help you stick it
to them but we mustn't start thinking in boundaries and borders with
> > aircraft, any more than with radios. If you persist, I'll never get to
go to
> > Niagara NY and buy my Tootsie Rolls.
> > Ferg
> > A064

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