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Subject: Europa-USA
From: Trevor Dance <>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2002 22:20:23

You miss the point ... the USA IS the world - ask any American, checkout
varous world
series events where only the USA are present .....

This message is sent to you from the REAL world
New Zealand

Message text written by
> I guess there are still a bunch of people hooked up to Avnet!!
             Does this mean they aren't or shouldn't be? I don't think I
I am hooked up to the

> My intention's are not to dupicate efforts but get things rolling on this
> side of the pond for Europa owners/builders.
            I am not being vehement, but what is opening up a second
if not duplicating 'efforts'. Does it mean I have to select both yours and
the original website in order to find out the latest thing? If so, why?
> I think having one U.S. web site should make it easier for anyone to
info on whats happening in the U.S. and Canada.
            There is already one World website - what is the advantage to
two? If no one sends the present website local news, how will having two
sites make it easier?

>I will have every U.S. & > Canadian web link and every owner who wants to
be on the list up there.
            May I suggest every US, Canadian, South African, NZ and Aussie
web link should be at the original site?

> Eventually it will have e-mail address's for them so it will be easy to
> contact any owner who wants to be.
             Why don't we have the Club publish those regularly - since I
believe that is its purpose?
> We will have a quarterly printed newsletter, so even those without the
web> can participate.
            Is this an added cost to Club membership and Europa membership?

Fly-Ins for Europa's will be organized and fun/educational >events held.
With many more Europa's flying over here all the time it just
> makes sense.
            These are organised already. There will be many more Europas
flying in every corner of the globe - so, at the speed of light, how much
time is saved by a US site over the world site?
> More visibility for Europa should help with sales also, and thats a good
thing for everyone!!!
            I fail to see how dividing the earth into US citizens and
'others' is a good thing for everyone - unless of course it means every US
> If you are a U.S or Canadian owner and it's o.k. to put your name up on
the > web site e-mail me at  If you have a picture of
your > plane e-mail it and I will add it right away.>
> The web site is only the first step - lots more is coming so stay
            I get my finest quality SPAM through the offices of HotMail. I
won't be joining the renegade US website, nor do I wish my address
for more.
Yours for a United world,
Europa A064<

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