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Re: bonding the top on

Subject: Re: bonding the top on
From: Chuck Popenoe <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 08:52:56
I might add a couple of additional items:

>The extended baggage compartment and bulkhead may be glassed into the canoe

>Graham's splash moldings should be made and glassed to the pitch-rod
containment bulkhead and rear bulkhead

>mounts for transponder antenna and any other nav antennas

>run and attach all wires and cables from tail into cockpit area.

>enclose rudder cables in nylon tubing, and glass the tubing to the
sides of the tunnel in the main wheel area

I also used a variation of Graham's upper & lower stabilator stops.  I
bought a length of 1-1/2" wide heavy duty reinforced rubber flat belting
---From McMaster-Carr, and bolted in a couple of U-shaped pieces similar to
Graham's fiberglass stops.  The rubber belting is soft enough to damp
out the noise resulting from hitting the stops--a pleasant improvement
over the broomstick approach!

(Chuck Popenoe)

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re:  bonding the top on

>I am just about ready to bond the top on my XS tri. I gather from comments
>have read that it is a good idea to do all jobs possible before taking this
>step.  Has anyone produced a check list of jobs that can be done prior to
>putting on the lid?
>Richard Iddon XS tri, builder 533,  G-RIXS

This is my list of jobs done first,
mount the gear.
rig the wings and set the incidence,
fit the weight up grade, (for a Classic upgrade)
set the tailplane up and down limit stops, (using 6 ply strap lay ups, not
the broom handle piece )
Rig and set the flap limits
start the panel mount

I recommend Chuck Poenhoe's very well thought out fuselage cradle.


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