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Re: Web Sites

Subject: Re: Web Sites
From: Fergus Kyle <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 09:26:24
            Good luck on designing the new website. I raised a small stink
about the US site because it occurred to me (as a Canuck) that I would be
shopping left and right for info, and one site for that is enough (at the
speed of light).
            If you're open to suggestions and it applies, I might suggest a
permanent 'slot' for news from UK, US, NZ ,etc much like the company mag. My
reason is that the empty space for say 'Canada' is a reminder to whomever is
nominee to send in news for the site. It might induce greater (& more
central) dissemination. Just a thought.
Cheers, Ferg #A064
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeremy Davey" <>
Subject:  Web Sites

> I'd planned on not saying anything about this publicly until it was ready,
> but given some of the recent postings to the Forum I think it would be a
> good idea if I shared some of the plans for the Europa Club Web Site with
> everyone, and we can then see what gaps we have in our aim to maximise the
> sharing and availability of information, and understand if we are
> the resource people need and want.
> Since Easter I've been working on a completely new site for the Club,
> covering everything from background on the Club, to mods, events, links
> (builders, flyers, suppliers, etc.), the Rescue Service, etc. Progress has
> been slower than I would have liked (how often do we hear that - at least
> excuse is that I've been building a plane, and aren't the flaps a heck of
> lot easier than the stabilators....?!) but it is getting there.
> I personally think it's great that there's lots and lots of Europa sites
> there, but also that it makes sense to have one central point to go to
> a piece of information, or a link to the information required. I am also
> conscious that Europaphilia is a global thing, and it would be very easy
> just concentrate on the UK scene.
> So, perhaps I could now canvass ideas for making the Club site as useful
> possible to everyone, wherever they are in the world? I see a lot of value
> in a global events list, articles from around the world, links to all the
> other Europa builders' sites, and links to any local group/country sites,
> but is there something vital that I am missing?
> Any and all ideas either to me privately if you prefer
> ( <> ), or
> the open Forum!
> Thanks, regards and happy building/flying/lurking/dreaming!
> Regards,
> Jeremy
> Jeremy Davey
> Europa XS monowheel 537M G-EZZA

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