Go to
and select Engine Type as "914UL" and Document Type as "Service Instruction"
and click on "Search Database" to get a list of all Service Instructions.
Scroll down (or search for) SI-18-1997 and then download d01270.pdf which
is the mandatory policy on "Selection of Motor Oil and General Operating
Tips...." This document is referenced in the "Rotax Operator's Manual for
all versions of Rotax 914" in section 10.2.3.Lubricants.
I have searched the Adobe Acrobat version of the Operator's Manual and the
only reference to "break-in" is where we must sign the Warranty Registration
Card stating that "I have read and understood the Operator's Manual in its
entirety and carefully followed the described break-in procedure."
Wonderful. We are expected to understand and follow a procedure that is not
revealed to us.
In re: forum traffic. Today is the first day since 20 July that any
messages came through to me.
Best regards,
Rob Housman
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of DJA727@aol.com
Subject: Rotax 914 breakin
Does anyone know if there is a recommended oil type for the break-in of the
Rotax 914? I am about to start for the first time and all I can find is the
recommended oil of numerous viscosities. Right now, I am planning to use
10-40 of the recommended type (I will be using BMW motorcycle oil) for the
break-in period (whatever that is) and then 10-50 after that.
Not much traffic on the discussion board. I winder if I am still connected?
Dave Anderson
A227 mono high aspect ration aircraft - about to close out wings and start