Hi! John.
So Sorry to have not been introduced, during a number of visits to the
Oshkosh stand.
Hope the developing US web sites don't fragment our Europa Family?
We had bored wives with us parked in RV's and enjoyed the Jabiru group BBQ
at off site South Park where we met a number of US people of like interests!
Had to leave site prior to the Saturday Night BBQ. suggest middle of the
event functions would be appropriate.
Bob Harrison G-PTAG
-----Original Message-----
From: forum-owner@europaclub.org.uk
Subject: Re: New Europa Web Site & Arlington
Hello from Europaland Florida!
I wanted to thank Bob Jacobsen, Cliff Shaw, and all the others that helped
Kim Prout, and Myself at the Arlington air show.
You guys did a great job!
I also wnated to thank Bob for helping to support Europa builders on this
side of the pond by facilitating Europa club activities in the US. One of
the great things that I have noticed about the Europa Club is not only the
Web site, but the get togethers, rescue service, and face to face support
that it offers. Now that Bob has offered to jump in the game, our US
builders can look forward to these benefits.
I thorughly enjoyed the get together at Cliff Shaw's house. I'll look
forward to more of the same.
Happy Building & Flying!
John Hurst
Europa Aircraft
Lakeland, FL
-----Original Message-----
From: newforum-owner@europaclub.org.uk
Subject: New Europa Web Site
Hi All,
Working on a new web site www.europa-usa.com
It is now live.
This will be the web site of the new USA Europa Club. Newsletter and
details to follow to all US and Canada Europa owners.
Daily updates on the Arligton fly-in - see the HONDA powered Europa, should
be up on the website tomorrow.
Bob Jacobsen
[Redirected via the newforum list]