I've had the speed kit installed on my trigear for almost 2 years now, and flew
it for 1 year without the speed kit. It is definitely worth the modest
of money and time. I'd guess that I picked up about 7 to 10 knots in cruise.
If you want more speed, seal up the gap between the fuselage and the wing root
fairing. I used white "bathroom" silicon caulk. This gave me another 3 to 4
Garry V. Stout
District Manager, AT&T Business Services
Phone: 813-878-3929 Fax 813-878-5651
*****Please note new e-mail address******
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Speed kit
Has anyone got any comments on the fitting of the speed kit for the Europa
trigear. Im wondering if its worth while doing?
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