The forum server was down again for most of yesterday (UK time). Let's hope
this is not a bad sign.
The unsubscribe address (seen at the bottom of every message) is now working
For the benefit of newer subscribers, can I mention that I maintain a website
for things related to the forum which can't be carried in the messages, because
attachments aren't allowed. It has a wide variety of pictures and other things
that people have contributed as well as llinks to the Frequently-asked-questions
document and to the forum web archive site. You can see it at . Conversely, if you have pictures or other material you
would like to share (and you don't have your own website) I would be pleased to
add them to the List Support Site, just send them to me privately, or get in
touch first if you prefer.
Could I take this opportunity to thank those people who have expressed their
appreciation, both on-list and off-list, of my ongoing(!) efforts to make the
best of the erratic performance of our forum service provider over the last few
John Cliff
Eiropa Forum minder