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Subject: MoGas
From: Nic <>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 23:33:57
No one said avgas is THE primary need for dual plugs.
I completely agree with dual redundancy.

My intention was to impress upon the novice that
there is alot of stuff - primarily lead - in avgas.
I've cleaned enough plugs to know, and would not
expect a carbureted Lycoming cylinder to make
40 hours running on a single plug.
The fouling - flaking cycle, as described to me in A&P
school 30 years ago, is logical and is believed by myself.
Upon further mathematical consideration, the frequency
of this phenomena is more like hours, not minutes.
And is NOT absolutely regular.
And is affected very much by mixture settings that
allow for slower build up or quicker flaking.

My IMHO very much remains that an EFI Subaru
should run MoGas. AvGas would add a danger to
flight operations.

Dual batteries and dual alternators would be even safer.

Enjoy your Sube Kevin.
Nic - xs145a :)

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