----- Original Message -----
From: "Fergus Kyle" <VE3LVO@rac.ca>
Subject: Gear Warning
> "> >From my flying experience, I don't believe you are likely to
> inad-vertantly land> a Europa with the flaps (and gear) up, the sight
> picture is different than with> them down.
> Unfortunately it has been done, several times. I have personally witnessed
> two incidents, and have heard of several others.
> Of course, nearly everybody is right when the argument over
> warning erupts. One man's experience is not enough on which to base a
> However, if you ARE going to devise a gear warning based on low power and
> wheel(s), it is best tested on every landing.
Good practice, but if you can remember to check it on every landing under
every condition it would be redundant!