>I too, used the poly fiber process up to and including the "Smooth Prime"
>coats. The primer is great, however!!!!!!!!!! I also used the top gloss
>with very poor results in the paint sticking to the primer.
> - - - - - - - - - -
We are in the process of finishing our Europa with the Poly Fiber System.
We also had problems with the Top Gloss sticking to the primer on our test
pieces but found that we were producing too smooth a surface on the primer.
We had to roughen it up with 180 grade sandpaper. Found it impossible
to peel it off after that - - but - - we have not flown it yet !!
As stated in the manual, you don't get a good finish straight from the gun
but you can produce a fantastic finish mirror finish after sanding and
buffing the Top Gloss.