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Re: Gear UP stop

Subject: Re: Gear UP stop
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 20:34:39

>I had a similar issue once I had rotated the brake block to be in line
>with the swing arm and found that on occasion the block would contact
>the inside of the tunnel on retraction if there was enough force on
>retraction to move the arm past the up position due to the momentum of
>the arm.

There's another problem that can occur here. If the brake calliper assembly 
hits the side of the tunnel at an oblique angle, it can wedge itself in and 
generate enough friction to make lowering the gear almost impossible.
This happened to me once, ( on a Classic with LA tunnel mod).

When the brake [pads wear the calliper moves outboard and can eventually 
start to strike the side of the tunnel when the gear is retracted. There is 
virtually no leverage in the gear handle to push it down from retracted 
position, you will need to look at the assembly drawings to realize this 
but believe me!?! its true. The only thing pushing the gear out of 
retraction is gravity!

This may only apply to LA modded Classics but check the clearance , gear up.

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