----- Original Message -----
From: "Tennant" <Tennant@t-online.de>
Subject: Re: Europa Paint (Not Poly Fiber)
> Garry,
> Do you know where I can get some of the same Gel Coat you used on my
> (about one litter) in Germany??
> I need to do some touching up this winter after 5 years flying.
> Barry Tennant
You can get a small amount from a local glider repair shop in Germany, just
phone first and check that they have Schwabbellac and you will want the
concentrated hardener for brushing and blobbing hangar rash which you add 3%
to the gelcoat. It is not a critical mix ratio. If you want to spray the
stuff they do a less concentrated hardener with an evaporative propellant of
ethyl alcohol to help it through the gun and that should be a 10% hardener
mix. Make sure to get the right one.Use Scheufler t-35 or Lesonal Voorgelat
only if you must.
Most important is to make sure you clean the wound with acetone or similar
only then will you end up with an invisible local repair. Block down wet
with 240 grit through 600 and 1200 then polish. You wont be able to find it
again.>See I have every confidence in a man with your ability.
Where were you last Freidrichshaven? I flew my quickie down 2 up unrefuelled
150mph @
50mpg. I will be there this year again in friends O-235 Quickie or Rutan
Defiant.My quickie is having a turbo implant.
Best Regards Gary.