Hi Kev,
(Sorry. Forget prevous reply. wrong link)
I used to have a tire repair foam can
in my old Cherokee. I used it ones with great success. When my Europa
is finished I will have one can in the baggage department. That is for
Stephan #556
> What a bugger I had my second puncture in a fortnight yesterday and had
> to leave the plane as I didn't have the tools or inner tube to repair
> it! (Nose wheel last time, starboard this time)
> Something tells me its time to carry spare tubes (x2 one for the nose
> and a main) and some tools to split the rims.
> I bet once I carry these tools Ill not get another puncture for years!
> Interested to hear if anyone else is carrying a emergency spares/repair
> kit and what is in it?
> Annoyingly the weather has turned bad here today and so it looks like
> the plane will be stuck there for a few days.
> Regards
> Kev T
> ---
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