>"A pre-skinned stage 1 (including tailplanes, tabs, rudder, ailerons and
>flaps) which will save the average first time builder around 200 hours
Wow - I'm not only not getting enough time at the project, I'm not
working at the factory-prescribed rate! I have 370 hours clocked now,
and have done the above skinning on a non-fastbuild tail kit, LESS
the ailerons and one set of flap hinges. What am I doing wrong - or
is anyone else going as slow as me?
PS can y'all manage without the sponsor's message repeated 5 times at
the bottom of this message? Think of the archive space you're
consuming and trim off superfluous quotes, please.
| PFA 16532 EAA 168386 Young Eagles Flight Leader 017623
| Europa builder #435 G-ROWI e-mail <rowil@clara.net>