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Re: SUBARU Low RPM rough running

Subject: Re: SUBARU Low RPM rough running
From: Kevin Taylor <>
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 11:00:43

Thanks for taking the time to reply and share your experiences. I've got the
plane at home at the moment to carry out a few jobs on it and so far haven't
got around to investigating this yet other than having removed the plugs and
seeing the engine is running very rich. In the 50 odd hours ive done (since
getting the machine which has 200 ish hours on the engine)so far the plugs
have a nice tan colour which previously suggested I had the right leaning
technique. So either there is a problem or possibly I have allowed it to run
too rich for too long. My engine is set up to be rich and does need leaning
even on the ground. I have flown one other Subaru and that was exactly the
same so I believed this is the norm? I will carry out the test you suggest
thanks and let you know.

Are you on a mono or tri?

I have a tri and a VP prop and its a lovely smooth engine and gives me 110
kts at 16 litres per hour at 3300 RPM. Some photos and info at


Kev T
PS I'm up for creating a Subaru owners database/newsletter if your
interested? Anyone else up for it?

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re:  Low RPM rough running

I recently had a similar problem whilst ground running my Subaru. I
suspected the excess fuel being a fault in the diaphragm so switched
Elisions with my spare Subaru engine. Fault cleared so I opened the
diaphragm housing to find a waxy residue causing the ball valve to stick in
the open position, the one the diaphragm drives.You can check for this fault
easily by removing the air filter box and running the pump with the mixture
rich and throttle closed engine stopped . There should be no fuel exiting
the meter needle in the throttle body. Run it and cycle the throttle whilst
an observer looks for any fuel excess. If this is your problem you will see
the fuel squirting out of the throttle body venturi against the incoming air
whilst at idle. Without the air filter housing it may even keep running in
this config but with air filter it will rich cut. If you blow through a
narrow tube into the small hole on the right of the throttle venturi
casting, this will open the diaphragm and allow fuel through without running
the engine. If fuel flows after your stop blowing, then that's your problem
and you will have to open the sealed diaphragm housing voiding the warranty
if it is still valid to fix it here or send it back to Ellison. If you get
it to me I will fix it for you providing the above symptoms agree. Let me
know your findings regardless.

Gary McKirdy
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Taylor" <>
Subject:  Low RPM rough running

> Folks,
> I had a intermittent problem today with rough running at low rpm 2500-3000
> rpm on my Subaru. It cleared by leaning the engine then going back to
> rich was then OK again apart from once or twice but generally I was able
> replicate it enough times to confirm leaning did solve the problem. The
> first time I noticed it was immediately on start up from cold on the first
> run of the day, it got rough I leaned it then put it back to fully rich
> it stopped! I'm thinking along the lines that it may be possibly plug
> fouling or just somehow the slow running jet is too rich? I haven't had
> plugs out yet but will next time I'm at the field. I incidentally it does
> run rich and always has done other Subaru owner I have spoken to have
> leaned even on the ground, to assist in avoiding fouling.
> Its been as sweet as a nut since I got it and I've done 50 hours in the
> 3 months and never seen a suggestion of this before. Plugs are only about
> 15-20 hours old.
> Any suggestions appreciated (other than put a 912 in which I'm sure some
> you are muttering under your breath right now)
> Kev T
> ---
> Version: 6.0.400 / Virus Database: 226 - Release Date: 09/10/02

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