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Top Gloss

Subject: Top Gloss
From: Tony S. Krzyzewski <>
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 17:49:39

For those that are considering Top Gloss, I have just moved from.. be
careful .. to .. avoid the product at all costs..

After six months of battling with Top Gloss I discovered a surface
separation just at the back of the fin. I peeled this back and within
ten minutes there was no surface paint left on my fuselage. The entire
coating came off in large sheets with very little effort leaving me with
a fuselage in Smooth Prime primer. 

Having now made the decision to have the plane commercially painted I
repeated the process on my flying surfaces. By the end of the afternoon
I had peeled off the paint from both stabilators, one flap and one
aileron .. all with little more than my fingernails and the edge of a

Once I have done all of the surfaces I am going to pack up all the mess
and post it to Polyfiber and tell them what I think of the product! 

All told I probably wasted 250 hours of work using Top Gloss.


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