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Chromates in continental NW Europe?

Subject: Chromates in continental NW Europe?
From: Jan de Jong <>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 17:45:00
A question to builders in Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Germany and France:
what have you done for corrosion prevention?
After trying hard I have not managed to stumble across a place in the area
of continental N.W. Europe that sells the environmentally unfriendly
chromate containing metal surface treatments: - Aluprep / Aluwash / Metal
Prep / Deoxydine.
- Alodine / Alocrome,
- epoxy chromate primer,
- zinc chromate primer / zinc oxide primer,
- chromate jointing compound / JC5A / Duralac.
In the U.S. there is Aircraft Spruce, among others; in the U.K. there is
Silmid, also among others. But shipping abroad is impossible or very
Is there a place in the general area of the Netherlands where the nasty
stuff is sold in small quantities (from under the counter if need be)?

Jan de Jong
(now started building in earnest)

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