also try the automatic dishwasher works for
my MG (and everyone blames Lucas - the Prince of
the problem with WD 40 is that if you leave it like
that the residue will attract the grime right back to
where it was. Try cleaning them with non-chlorinated
brake cleaner - it evaporates very fast and there is NO
residue left behind.
good luck
Dean Wiegand
Sacramento CA USA
kit A259
-----Original Message-----
Kevin Taylor
Subject: Re: ideas for: That rough
running Subaru
Dean, and all
Thanks for taking the time with your very detailed
I have today found the problem. After spraying the HT
leads with WD40 the
problem has gone away (for now at least!)
Very frustrating but I can only put it down to the damp
weather and
conditions in our hanger!
I guess I should look at replacing the HT leads. But
ground run for 45 mins
and a 15 mins flight today and it was as sweet as a
Kind regards to all
Kev T