I have not found this to be a problem at all. However, the weight on the
of my Europa is pretty light as my CG is fairly well aft at most loading
(you can easily lift the nosewheel off the ground by hand or by leaning
on the fuselage just forward of the tail fin.
I only notice the effect of this when flying with a fully aft CG on bumpy grass
strips (such as my home base) where, on hitting a bump the nose can pitch up
quite easily. It doesn't seem to trouble the nosewheel but can make for a bit
of a 'bucking bronco' ride.
The effect is worse if you land fast, but I don't think the springiness of the
nosewheel leg or tyre is causing the effect.
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Tri-gear landing behaviour question
Although I'm planning on building a mono, I have a friend who is
getting ready for his tri-gear maiden flight (using an experienced
relatively local Europa flyer as the test pilot). He had heard that the
Tri-gear has a 'bouncy nose wheel' when compared to other type of
I was wondering if this was true, and if so, what special techniques are
used when landing (besides holding it off as one would want to do
Cheers and thanks,
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