----- Original Message -----
From: "Nigel Charles" <72016.3721@compuserve.com>
Subject: Re: SLIME / Jacking
I have been trying to design a light-weight, clip-on bracket to fit the mono
U/C fork web, so that it could be carried at all times in the A/C in case of
a puncture. Most airfields could probably come up with a trolley jack, so
if there was a device to provide a level jacking point to fit to the front
of the fork web, the wheel could be removed easily for repair using a
trolley jack. It would take the form of a wedge and probably have to be
made from stout aluminium (8mm) and would need to be welded together, which
makes it difficult for home manufacture. Have you, or anybody else, any
ideas to offer?
I like the idea of moving the calliper to the in-line position, because mine
has already worn a groove in the tyre wall. Cannot we have a Club mod. to
displace the rudder cables to accommodate the new position? I haven't tried
moving mine but I anticipate a clash.
Best wishes,
> Message text written by Paul Boulet
> >jacking the
> aircraft up to change the tyre is not very easy. I had intended to modify
> trolley jack to enable me to lift the aircraft in such a situation.<
> I thought the David Watts idea using some blocks with padding made the job
> easier than for the trigear. It doesn't even need a jack. I have used this
> technique with a trestle to check gear retractions and it is quite
> straightforward if you have 3 people (one to lift the tail, one to hold
> wings level and one to insert the trestle). If a second trestle is
> available it can be done with 2 people.
> Nigel Charles