Dennis Vories (just N. of San Diego) did a gorgeous leather job
in his Europa XS. (See photo of interior on Europa USA site). He had
an aviation upholsterer in the area do it for him. I don't have contact
info, but Kim Prout might have a way of getting details. Ray Knapp
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: Seating
Hi All;
N914PB is nearing completion. It's a mono wheel located in Los Angeles
area. Does anyone have a lead on someone to do the interior? I've
been advised to just go bare bones until my 40 hours is flown off since
I'll inevitably have to do mods/repairs/ adjustments/etc. Once the
hours are flown off I'll put something nice in. This is a monowheel XS.
Paul Boulet, A212, Malibu, California
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