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Re: Carb Balancing - Flow Balancer?

Subject: Re: Carb Balancing - Flow Balancer?
From: Europa Aircraft <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 15:51:38
Hi All,

After a suggestion form a reliable Rotax guru, we use a manifold pressure
gauge salvaged from a turbo twin beech to balance our carbs at the US
office.  The balance tube is removed, and the gauge is connected to each
side.  The setup works well.  The used gauge cost $85 from Wentworth

John Hurst
Europa Aircraft
Lakeland, FL

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re:  Carb Balancing - Flow Balancer?


These gauges are fairy crude Chinese imports and are available from many
sources. I paid 45 GBP for a set of four identical units from MPS - the
motorcycle parts supplier ( UK Tel: 01626 835835) and
the twin gauge set was about half that price.

It's worth reiterating what others have said - that the absolute value is of
little importance - its the difference that you are interested in and in
this respect there are far better balancers on the market.
A good one is the "Twinmax" electronic balancer that displays the difference
on a meter left or right of centre (CDI like) - also available from MPS at a
tad under 60 GBP (Part no TOTWINMAX if you are ordering online).

......and for anybody contemplating balancing their carbs in the Southampton
area - you're more than welcome to borrow mine, contact me off-list.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Carl Pattinson" <>
Subject: Re:  Carb Balancing - Flow Balancer?

> Looks like I have still got my facts wrong.
> Con Air does apparently stock the carb balancing meters as well as
> The Con Air catalog can be downloaded from
> The balancer (including photo) is at the bottom of the page.

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