Once again many thanks to everyone who offered their thoughts opinions and
insights to my inquiries on the access door. The group is almost as good
as having a beer drinking buddy in the garage with me offering sage advice
and encouragement. Speaking of encouragement I just recieved a good batch
of it recently. So far my three and a half year effort has been the result
of an approximate 20 minute ride in an 80 Hp classic. I had the opportunity
to hook up with Dave and Terry of N135TD fame while on a visit to the
People's Republic of California (PRC). They were very gracious and
accommodating to take me on a flight from Livermore to Petaluma and back
for lunch along with their buddy in an RV 6A. The way that their XS takes
off and slips through the air makes me feel like I have been flying barn
doors with my Cessna 140, 52, and 72 time. I use half the rudder travel in
the 140 just flying around the pattern. 135TD tracks around the turns
without the slightest hint of needing rudder input. Are they all like
this?! Terry topped off the flight back with two rolls. A 152 Aerobat
didn't feel anything like that in a roll. A neat little fighter plane
indeed! Its hard to imagine that the pile of stuff out in the garage,living
room, bedroom, and patio is capable of that! I better get my butt in gear
to finish it. Thanks Guys.
Steve Hagar
Mesa, AZ
> [Original Message]
> From: Paul McAllister <paul.mcallister@qia.net>
> Date: 12/5/02 7:49:47 AM
> Subject: Re: Access Door in fuselage
> Hi Steve & Kevin,
> Take a look at what I did at http://europa363.versadev.com/jan-01.html I
> made a splash mould out of 6 plies of bid and used that as my door. I
> hinged it and it woks quite nicely. Its just big enough to get my hand in
> to unscrew the galcolator. You will notice that I put the drains there as
> well so I have a sort of "one stop shop".
> Hope this helps. - Paul
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Steve Hagar" <hagargs@earthlink.net>
> Subject: Access Door in fuselage
> Has anyone made a hinged door with one of those spring loaded flush
> fitting aircraft door catches for the bottom of the fuselage for
> gascolator and sump drains? I would like to hear of any pratfall before
> I start sawing extra holes in the fuselage. My plan is to make a nice
> thick aluminum (ium!) pattern so I get a good hole cut out as well as to
> serve as a pattern for the actual door. I suppose the door should be
> made thicker to hold its shape since it won't be cinched down with
> mutliple screws. Also my thoughts weren't to make the door big enough to
> get my hand totally around the gascolator bowl since it won't be removed
> at every check. I would gain access through the baggage bay panel. The
> outside door would allow the bowl to just drop out . Any thoughts?
> ThanksSteveA143Mesa,
> AZ --- Steve Hagar--- hagargs@earthlink.net
--- Steve Hagar
--- hagargs@earthlink.net