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Re: Fuel system questions

Subject: Re: Fuel system questions
From: Fred Fillinger <>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 20:11:40
> >That's very different, then!  Doesn't solve my trigear problem, where
> >the pickup tube is at the front, but still leaves about 4 oz. you
> >can't get at, though visually that seemed impossible.
> >Fred F.
> Fred
> It can do, all you need to do is shorten the extension tube then bend it
> down to the front. I'm sure this has been explained by someone else, maybe
> you? Maybe even the factory.
> Graham

That's exactly how it is; and bent downward 90-deg., tip in contact
with tank bottom, and chamfered slightly so that does not restrict
flow.  It's alarmingly sensitive to even one degree up/down of the
nose, on either side of ground level attitude. Didn't then even bother
to test left/right.  Were this being done for certification, "ground
slope" must have no effect, +/- 1 percent in gradient.  That, along
with other issues, is why I was curious as to how any monowheel
tested, and important I now think so as to know whether a clean drain
sample means anything.

Fred F.

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