The worm virus W32.Opaserv, mentioned recently, was discovered two and a half
months ago and should be detected by any virus checker which has been kept up to
date (and there is little point in having one unless you are going to keep it up
to date). On reading the Symantec site, this virus appears to be a threat
mainly to permanently-connected machines not to ones used for transient
dial-ups. If you want to know more about it, one of the websites run by
antivirus companies (such as ) will tell you at least as
much as you want to know.
Could we keep future conversations on this subject private, off the Forum,
please ?
I believe that the little bits of text which get through the server's filters
(such as Graham's virus-company-ad, but there have been other instances) and
show up as 'attachments' are harmless, i.e. non-infective. I am reluctant to
fiddle with the filter rules without a substantive reason, for fear of the cure
being worse than the disease.
John Cliff
Europa Forum minder