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Re: static sparks

Subject: Re: static sparks
From: Rowland & Wilma Carson <>
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 21:22:26

>The only such sources I can find
>say that the resistance of electrical bonding (here from the filler
>cap thru like the exhaust pipe) to the fuel source should be 20K or
>less. Why do we want to increase this to 1 meg??

Fred - I guess this comes from the static discharge straps used in 
electronics. They have a relatively high resistance to prevent the 
wearer suffering adverse effects from accidentally snagging the strap 
on a large source of volts. This might be encountered when 
maintaining or repairing equipment, possibly less likely when 
assembling as volts are generally not applied to stuff being built.

[Of course we didn't have them back in the days when we used to run 
many of our lab oscilloscopes uncased for easy tweaking of the 
calibration, thus leaving 15kV or so available in easy reach of 
anyone passing!]



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