A few people seem to be having problems requesting access to the
members-only area, so just a note to repeat/clarify the instructions sent
out a few weeks ago.
If you go to the Club web site at www.europaclub.org.uk you'll see the
Members Only section listed in the navigation bar on the left hand side.
Click on the '+' to expand the section, click on 'request access' and follow
the instructions offered.
I'm sure Rowland has plenty of work to do enabling access for people at this
initial stage - unfortunately there is no way we can automate it for him as
we need to confirm people are indeed members of the Club before granting
access, so could everyone please follow the instructions closely and avoid
keeping Rowland away from building G-ROWI as little as possible ;-)
Thanks and regards,
Jeremy Davey
Europa XS Monowheel 537M G-EZZA
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Paul Brodie
Subject: Re: website members-only area
May I have a members only password.
Many thanks and Happy New Year.
Paul Brodie
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rowland & Wilma Carson" <rowil@clara.net>
Subject: website members-only area
> Just to clarify - I get requests for access to the members-only area
> of the website most days, but I only update the host file about once
> a week. Once I receive your e-mail request, I always reply to confirm
> receipt. If, a week after receiving that confirmation, you find that
> you cannot gain access, please let me know.
> And when sending passwords, remember that I will be copying and
> pasting the password/username string complete, so it's preferable to
> put it on a line all by itself, and definitely not inline at the end
> of a sentence. The period character ("full stop") can occur anywhere
> within the encrpyted password, so I have to assume that a trialing
> period is part of the password, not punctuation marking the end of a
> sentence.
> Do read the instructions - thanks!
> regards
> Rowland
> | Wilma & Rowland Carson <http://home.clara.net/rowil/>
> | <rowil@clara.net> ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...