James Nelson wrote:
>Steve, Put it in front. My 912S with the NSI electric prop still had
>the CG in mid range, right where it should be. Short cables, lower
>weight ect. Jim Nelson N15JN
>>That's it that's the question. Monowheel, 912S, AirMaster prop.
>>I have the long cable set. Then I was thinking two people, fuel,
>>maybe its better up front.
FWIW, I have an XS mono with a Whirlwind prop , I put my 16 AH battery
on the firewall and the CG came out at 58.69 inches at 826 lbs empty
weight. This CG has worked out well for me. Be aware that my prop is
light at ~ 9 lbs, heavier props will move the CG forward.
Cheers, John