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Re: U/C problem, for monowheel eyes only

Subject: Re: U/C problem, for monowheel eyes only
From: Kingsley Hurst <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 10:05:59

Quite some time ago, Neville at Europa advised me to apply redux between the
mating surfaces of these parts immediately before tightening up the bolts.

Having said this, I am unable to understand how looseness in this joint
would prevent the lever from reaching the down detent.  I would have thought
looseness in this joint would have the opposite effect.

It may be an idea to check if you have in fact had some other restriction in
the L/G somewhere as I suspect the force you applied to the joint in
question by pulling hard on the lever would very likely exceed that which
the U/C would have exerted at 2.5g.  It may be that your forcing the lever
caused the movement.

Just my two bobs worth.

Kingsley Hurst Mono 281

----- Original Message -----
From: "david joyce" <>
           During building I had seen the discussion surrounding Mod 51,
which adds a supporting bracket between the U/C lever (LG12) and LG08P

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