>I mixed a batch of filler
>It hasn't gone off properly. It feels slightly tacky to the touch and my
>sandpaper clogs up very quickly with sticky blobs when I try to rub it back
Richard - I managed to do this recently while filling some dents in
the foam aileron core. It was standard Ampreg 20 & q-cell. As there
was no strength required, I didn't bother erecting the curing tent.
However, it was a pretty cold night. The next day, the filler was
still unsandable, just as you describe yours. I had to mix up some
fresh filler (to repair the mess made by dragging sticky lumps out
with the PermaGrit!) and then put up the heated (25C - 28C) curing
tent as I normally do for all structural resin cures. Worked like a
charm! The gooey stuff appeared to cure OK as I didn't need to remove
it all, and all areas sanded fine the next day. Below a certain
temperature (not sure exactly what), the stuff just won't go off.
| PFA 16532 EAA 168386 Young Eagles Flight Leader 017623
| 430 hours building Europa #435 G-ROWI e-mail <rowil@clara.net>