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Re: Rudder fitting

Subject: Re: Rudder fitting
From: Gerry Holland <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 21:25:43
Paul Hi!

> I've just fitted the stern post and fin ribs, and am about to hang the
> rudder (XS mono). The rudder at first glance would seem to foul on the
> joggle where fin, sternpost and fin cap all join (ie approx 6" from 
> the top
> of the fin post). I'm at a loss as to how to proceed as my build manual
> doesn't mention this, indeed the relevant pages ( 32-3 and 32-4) are 
> from
> different editions and don't follow on. Anyone been there or got any
> suggestions - awaiting a reply from the factory.
I had a similar problem when carrying out this task a few weeks ago.

The whole Rudder to Housing area has caused some consternation due to 
when Stern Post and the Fin 'Cap' fitted the resulting 'joggles' gave 
quite a thickness. I made the Rudder fit with some help and advice from 
My Inspector and some careful use of Permagrit Tool. It is now in 
position and connected using Graham Singletons 'pushrod' and with all 
deflections meeting build requirements. I'm sure you will get more 
technical advice but the main consideration was strength and clearance.

The other additional requirement is to trim top of Rudder to allow full 
movement. I'll enclose a photo (direct e-mail) to you so you can see my 

Kind Regards


Gerry Holland
+44 7808 402404
Europa XS 384

The greatest enjoyment from existence is living dangerously....
Friedrich Nietzsche

Gerry Holland
+44 7808 402404

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