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How Sacred Are the Sacred Six?

Subject: How Sacred Are the Sacred Six?
From: Steve & Eileen Genotte <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 20:11:26
I'm planning my panel (the Domestic Treasury Dept. has released the
funding).  Looking over the various posts regarding panel builds and
aluminum cut-outs, I see a lot of references to the standard "six pack" of
gyros, etc., which are required for IFR flight.  But!, the flight
instruments required for day VFR flight by FAR 91.205 are an airspeed
indicator, an alitmeter, and a magnetic heading indicator.  Since I'm not
building an IFR aircraft, right there I've gone from the Sacred Six to the
Thrifty Three.

 Now to really make things interesting...

I've decided to get the microEncoder and microMonitor from RMI.  Reading the
specs on the microEncoder, I see it can display airspeed, altitude, and
magnetic heading.  Huzzah!

So, as I read it, I don't need anything beyond the microEncoder to satisfy
the reqs with regards to flight instruments, and the microMonitor will cover
all of the engine system parameters the Feds deem worthy of attention.

Am I right?  Can I have a main panel consisting of a microEncoder ...and
nothing else (I might get a Garmin GPSMAP 295 to help provide aesthetic

Mind you, I'm not asking if it's [stentorian tone]   a    good   idea
[/stentorian tone], just if it's legal.


Steve "I'd rather empanel a jury than plan my panel" G.

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