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IO-240 and Super 200

Subject: IO-240 and Super 200
From: Dwight <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2003 16:17:00

Hi all, I have been lurking for awhile.  I live in Washington state.  I have a
couple of questions.

Has anyone put a Continental engine in their planes?  I was thinking of an 
or a Super 200.  Would they fit? Would weight and balance be doable? I guess
this also opens up the can of worms with how everyone feels about reliability
of all of the different engines.  Would the 914 have a higher ceiling that the
IO-240 due to the turbo?

Second, as I am looking at kit planes, two have risen to the top, the Europa and
the Pulsar Super 100.  I like the efficiency and removable wings of the Europa,
but I hope that the Pulsar may have more cabin width at the shoulders and
allows more std engine options, and is a little faster.

Thanks for your input,



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