Hello to all,
As of 830AM this morning, my project to return me to the skies legally has
reached a huge milestone. The Europa A227 Mini U2 has flown. WHAT AN
AIRCRAFT!!!!! The name mini U2 is an excellent description. Using 100 HP vs
the max 115, it climbed at 1300 fpm at 90 knots and caused the 180 hp chase
Cessna to ha e to catch up. There were no problems - including engine temps -
and only a few squawks - prop vibration being one of them - instrument
vibration at high RPM.
I am exhausted and relieved. Thanks to all who have helped guide me and
provide advise. The airplane flew like a dream. I am so tired, I need to get
some sleep and wake up to insure I am not actually dreaming right now. I will
put a few pictures on the web site as soon as I can muster the strength!
mini U2