Craig and John
I have had the same tight fit on two kits. ( Bob Jacobsen's and mine) I
found part of the trouble was a very thin layer of epoxy inside the busses
in the wings. The busses are aluminum painted black ( I think it is just
paint). I used a hobby knife (sharp #11 blade) to pick and scrape it out.
It is not easy to see. After that I still having a "devil" of a time
getting the wings on and off. I used a 1/2" reamer to true up the three
busses at one time. Don't do this till after the wings are set to the
Fuselage and the lift pins are installed. You will have to use a vicegrip
on your 1/2" bolts for a while. (save the regular pins till after it all
fits good)
Hope this helps.
Cliff Shaw
1041 Euclid ave.
Edmonds WA 98020
(425) 776-5555
N229WC "Wile E Coyote"
PS: Glad to see Europa talk again !